Cozy Summer Café in a Historic Courtyard

Surrounded by beautiful, old buildings, wildflowers, herbs, and chirping birds, you'll find the summer café Hav A Java.

Cozy Summer Café in a Historic Courtyard

Welcome to Hav A Java at the Medical Museion

An Oasis in the Middle of the City
In a courtyard on Bredgade by the Medical Museion lies a cozy garden. Surrounded by beautiful, old buildings, wildflowers, herbs, and chirping birds, you’ll find the summer café Hav A Java – the perfect destination for a relaxing break, whether you come to enjoy a freshly brewed barista coffee, a delicious lunch, or a cold glass of wine.

Taste Hav A Java
The café’s menu offers everything from fresh salads, paninis, and sandwiches to delicious cakes and snacks. Cold beers, wine, and homemade lemonade are served, and the barista makes a delightful cup of coffee, whether you prefer a creamy cappuccino or a strong espresso. See the full menu here.

Historical Surroundings
The Medical Museion is located in the Royal Surgical Academy from 1787, and it is in these buildings that modern Danish medical science was founded. Famous doctors and researchers have frequented here – for example, Niels Bohr, Peter Panum, August and Marie Krogh, Nielsine Nielsen, and Niels Ryberg Finsen.

Medical Museion
Today, the museum researches, collects, and communicates the history and culture of medicine. Here, you can experience exhibitions and events that deal with body, mind, health, and disease. Read more here.

Opening Hours
July 2 – August 31 Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturday – Sunday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Courtyard – Medical Museion, Bredgade 62, 1260 Copenhagen K. Access via the gate at Bredgade 62.

35 32 38 00 (Tues-Fri 10 AM – 2 PM)