Corona will also
be history one day

Foto: Frida Gregersen
About the exhibition
Epidemics make history
The exhibition ‘Corona will also be history one day’ traces threads back in time, reflecting a year with Covid-19 in the mirror of past epidemics. The exhibition sheds light on how epidemics have affected daily lives in Denmark, as practices such as distancing, facemasks, quarantine, and intensive care spread through society. The exhibition also delves into the science, where hope for an end to the crisis lies in vaccines and treatments.
What you can see
Among other things, you can find Magnus Heunicke’s famous ‘curve’ in red and green, the first vaccines and a whole days consumption of rubber gloves from a test center. In addition to that, the museum has collected some of the respirators, which were offered to a strained Italy and the sheet music from the conductor himself, which were used everyday in the DR-project ‘Morgensang med Philip Faber’.
It came as a shock
The Covid-19 crisis has had us all working overtime. At a societal level, we have tried to control the disease with lockdowns, testing and infection tracing. At a medical level, we have been looking for effective treatments and relied on intensive care machines to take over the functions of the body whilst disease rages. The disease came as a shock, and for most in Denmark it has felt like the first time we’ve had to deal with an epidemic. But by looking back into the history of medicine, we find strategies and experiences resembling those we’re in the midst of today.

Press contact
Julie Wouwenaar Tovgaard, digital curator
+45 51 89 52 58
Download press material (in Danish)
Behind the exhibition
The exhibition is curated by Bente Vinge Pedersen (former head of program, exhibitions and communication) and Anne Bernth Jensen (curator and inspector). Exhibition design by Kathrine Baastrup (visual interpreter).
The Corona epidemic is one the worst health crises in many years. As the main museum for the cultural history of medicine, it is our responsibility to document it for posterity. Would you like to contribute to our collecting process?
Read moreTeaching materials
We have material to the exhibition for school classes. It is possible to book a guided tour in the exhibition.
Book guided tour for school groups