
James G. Mundie’s Cabinet of Curiosity

Many mysteries and fascinating aspects from the field of medicine have been discussed on this blog but I can’t remember that this interesting site has ever been mentioned. James G. Mundie’s Cabinet of Curiosity is a fascinating site and there is no doubt that the man behind is a skilled artist.  But what is it all about? […]

Many mysteries and fascinating aspects from the field of medicine have been discussed on this blog but I can’t remember that this interesting site has ever been mentioned. James G. Mundie’s Cabinet of Curiosity is a fascinating site and there is no doubt that the man behind is a skilled artist. 
But what is it all about? A quote might be in order:

What one will see here is not a random collection of bones and things in jars, but a record of an important segment of our shared medical heritage. These anatomical preparations represent the intersection of science, culture, emotion and myth. Through these oddities, one may catch snippets of the evolution of modern medicine based on science rather than superstition.

I wonder what he would get out of a visit to Medical Museion? Maybe we should invite him?