… or at least it’s in labour… and hopefully ready to be live and kicking on Wednesday 5 September when the first lessons will be start.
When I earlier this summer asked for inputs to public health science communication literature lots of people were so kind to respond to me. Thanks to their suggestions and my colleagues at Medical Museion‘s excellent help and suggestions a reading list has now taken shape. Its been really difficult to select the literature and the final list could have taken many forms. This is a first go at it. As there to my knowledge to date only exist very little literature focused specifically at public health science communication, the below is a mix of literature from different fields.
And even though the compendium have already been printed, comments and suggestions to the below list are more than welcome!
The syllabus for the course ended up looking like this:
Public Health Science Communication – an introduction
Chapter 1 – The recent ”Public Understanding of Science Movement” (p. 1-18) in Science In Public: Communication, Culture, And Credibility – By Jane Gregory and Steve Miller. Basic Books, 1998. 294 pp. ISBN 0-7382-0357-2.
- Chapter 10 – A protocol for science communication for the Public Understanding of Science (p. 242-250) in Science In Public: Communication, Culture, And Credibility – By Jane Gregory and Steve Miller. Basic Books, 1998. 294 pp. ISBN 0-7382-0357-2
- Communication at the Core of Effective Public Health – by Jay M. Bernhardt, PhD, MPH, Am J Public Health. 2004 December; 94(12): 2051–2053.
Chapter 5 – Of deficit, deviations and dialogues. Theories of public communication of science (p. 57-75) in Handbook of Public Communication of Science & Technology. Edited by Massimiano Bucchi and Brian Trench, Routledge, 2008. 274 pp. ISBN 978-0-415-38617-3 (hbk)
- A public health frame arouses hopeful emotions about climate change. By Myers TA, Nisbet MC, Maibach EW, Leiserowitz AA. Climatic Change, 2012. Volume 113, no 3-4, p. 1105-1112
- Preparedness 101: Zombie apocalypse – By Ali S Khan. CDC Public Health Matters Blog, May 16th, 2011 11:48 am ET
- Guidelines for scientists on communicating with the media – The Social Issues Research Centre and ASCoR. September 2009
- Of course scientists can communicate – By Tim Radford, Nature 469, 445 (2011)
- Interaction with the mass media – Peters HP, Brossard D, de Cheveigné S, Dunwoody S, Kallfass M, Miller S, Tsuchida S. Science 11 July 2008: Vol. 321 no. 5886 pp. 204-205
- Social media is more than simply a marketing tool for academic research by Amanda Alampi. The Guardian, highereducation network. 24 July 2012
- The Verdict:Is blogging and tweeting about research papers worth it? by Melissa Terras. LSE blog: impact of social sciences. 19 April 2012
- Academic staff and public communication: a survey of popular science publishing across 13 countries – by Peter Bentley and Svein Kyvik. Public Understanding of Science, January 2011 vol. 20 no. 1 48-63
Chapter 4 – Science Journalism (p. 69-96) in Media, Risk and Science by Stuart Allan. Open University Press 2002. ISBN 0-335-20662-X (pb)
- Chapter 5 – Media issues in the public understanding of science (p. 104-117) in Science In Public: Communication, Culture, And Credibility. By Jane Gregory and Steve Miller. Basic Books, 1998. 294 pp. ISBN 0-7382-0357-2
- Inverted pyramid (basic of structure for journalistic writing). Wikipedia (31. July 2012)
- A manifesto for the simple scribe – my 25 commandments for journalists – By Tim Radford, The Guardian, 19 January 2011
- Social Media and Public Health Research – By Nina Bjerglund Andersen and Thomas Söderqvist. University of Copenhagen, 2012
- The line between science and journalism is getting blurry…again – by Bora Zivkovic, Scientific American 20. December 2010
- I’m having a blogsistential crisis! I am a blogger. And I am an academic. But am I an academic blogger? By Lynne Murphy, LSE Impact of Social Sciences blog, 6 February 2012
- More than a blog. Howard Wolinsky, EMBO reports (2011) 12, 1102–1105
- Trial by Twitter – By Apoorva Mandavilli, Nature 469, 286-287 (2011)
Chapter 8 – Science in Museums (p. 196-219) in Science In Public: Communication, Culture, And Credibility. By Jane Gregory and Steve Miller. Basic Books, 1998. 294 pp. ISBN 0-7382-0357-2
- Chapter 1 – Museum Materialities – objects, sense and feeling (p. 1-17) in Museum Materialities – objects, engagements, interpretations. Edited by Sandra H Dudley. Routledge 2010. ISBN 10: 0-415-49218-1 (pbk)
- Rules of Engagement by Patrick A. Taylor, Nature 450, 163-164 (8 November 2007)
- See-Through Science. Why public engagement needs to move upstream – By James Wilsdon and Rebecca Willis. DEMOS 2004, p. 13-22 and 37-47. ISBN 1 84180 130 5
- The engaged university: Manifesto for public engagement – By the national co-ordinating centre for public engagement, Watershed Media Centre