Tine Friis’ PhD defence
The dissertation
Tine Friis’ doctoral dissertation explores how people articulate experiences of the connection between their gut and psyche. The dissertation evolves around microbiome research as an emerging biomedical field and as a motivating background for its investigation. Methodologically, the dissertation (1) reviews the promissory language of publications in microbiome research; and (2) develops collective memory-work as a participatory and group-based methodology in the museum and university context of Medical Museion. The dissertation contributes with insights into how promissory language in microbiome research might foster cruel optimism; how memory-work on gut-psyche connections might actualize new self-realizations and ethical dilemmas; and how meanings of gut and psyche are unsettled and offer ways of articulating the self and navigating social norms. More broadly, the contribution of the dissertation is to articulate and exemplify a transdisciplinary research practice for investigating how people understand their bodies, self and health, when new vocabularies and ideas about these are offered by emerging biomedicine.
Friday April 21st 2023 at 14:00
Auditorium, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen
Bredgade 62, 1260 Copenhagen K
Zoom link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/63702840891?pwd=N1NxdFhCL1Z4UHRJaXpBZHFmVWNDQT09
The defense will be held in English and last up to three hours, followed by a reception
- Associate Professor Louise Whiteley, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, DK
- Associate Professor Adam Bencard, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, DK
- Professor Morten Nissen, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, DK
Assessment committee
Associate Professor Henriette Langstrup, University of Copenhagen, DK (Chair)
Professor Ernst Schraube, Roskilde University, DK
Professor Emerita Emily Martin, New York University, USA