Our local biohacker space in Copenhagen, BiologiGaragen @ Labitat, is hosting a workshop on the last weekend in August inviting people to get hands-on with DNA and the lab equipment you need to work with it. The flyer below gives a taste of some of the exciting activities and discussions that will be going on, and after watching Rüdiger extract DNA from an onion during his recent presentation here at Museion, I can vouch for the ‘ooh!’ factor…
The workshop is also a chance to try out a bunch of the activities Malthe and Rüdiger are thinking of including in the hybrid museum-hacker space we’re working on under the Studiolab project, scheduled to open for visitors and hands-on events in late November. If you want to get in touch about the wider project, drop me or Karin an email.

Biohacking Workshop at Labitat on August 25th-26th
Our local biohacker space in Copenhagen, BiologiGaragen @ Labitat, is hosting a workshop on the last weekend in August inviting people to get hands-on with DNA and the lab equipment you need to work with it. The flyer below gives a taste of some of the exciting activities and discussions that will be going on, […]